Worried about your drinking?

Find out if you're drinking too much with our self assessment tool.


Our top tips for cutting down

Cutting back on alcohol can improve your health, mood and physical well-being. Here are some tips to get started.
More tips for cutting down

Contact us

If you are concerned about your drinking, or worried about a friend or family member please fill in the contact form and we will get back to you the next week day.

Contact Us

Worried about your drinking?
There is local help available

Visit our service in person or contact us by phone. You will be able to talk to one of our duty team who will help you decide which service best meets your needs. If you'd prefer, any professional such as your GP, a social worker or housing support worker can make a referral on your behalf. 

How much is too much?
Take the test to find out and get advice and information about local services


"Here you can learn something and put it into practice straight away once you leave the building."
Brent Service-User
"My keyworker has helped me overcome a lot of my issues. Not only involving alcohol but involving family and other personal issues. She speaks wise words which spread to my friends and family. Keyworker helps me to live my best life and the best version of me.”
Brent Service-User
“SO positive, lots of reassurance and kindness from the group facilitators. It is clear that service users value the support provided here.”
Brent Service-User
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